Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Personal Branding Tips and Examples

Whether you're a company owner or just starting your venture into the corporate or employee world, people are encouraged to take use personal branding tips for building their personal brand. 

There are plenty of FREE websites and social media sites available to create content on.  Some of the most popular to take advantage of are, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.  These free sites give you web visibility online so make sure to keep it professional and in good overall taste.

One useful tip is to either use your personal name for a username, or in some cases using a vanity url with a keyword is also useful. 

Besides building up personal profiles online you can add more search engine visibility to your online content by paying attention to creating the very best content possible, such as cornerstone content, which takes several times as much time as regular blog post content.  For branding visibility purposes we have posted on and here is our profile of Kevin Yeaman for commenting at